Well I have gotten even more accomplished in this whole wedding thing. I can't believe it's 43 days away. We got our wedding bands last night. C's is white gold and pretty thick, I was glad he went for the thicker band. Mine is a row of diamonds. I first picked out a 1 carat platinum band, it was a size 7 I wear a size 4 ring (it's the only part of me that's a size 4 believe me) the lady said by the time they sized it down you wouldn't be able to see all the diamonds, plus it was $1500. I ended up with 1/2 carat platinum band for $995 and I love it more than the expensive one! YAY, C's was $150.00, he rocks!
But for the REAL exciting news... my mother sent me a link to a website for a B&B in Napa Valley. We had planned on Sonoma so C was pretty much set against going to Napa since we have discussed the other for a year. When I saw this inn, I knew I had to go. HAD TOO! I showed it to C and he wanted a cottage, this one didn't show a cottage on their website. So he called today, and they DO have a cottage and he booked it! I am sooo happy. Here it is. Inn I can't wait to go! Can't!
In other news... my workplace is once again filled with snot. People are hocking, sneezing and coughing like mad. I feel so CLEAN!